Training Programs
CEF offers training on a variety of different topics and can tailor a training program to meet your needs. Learn from experienced certified instructors who teach children on a regular basis.
Super Seminars
CEF of MA can provide a teacher training program that fits the needs of your church. Whether you need an all day children’s ministry conference or evangelism training for your upcoming neighborhood outreach, CEF can help you share Christ with the children in your church and community. You can pick the classes you want for a tailor-made program for your children’s ministry workers. Each Super Seminar is approximately 1 hour long. Evangelism training for teens is also available.
Continuing education Unit (CEU) may be given in either professional education or Biblical studies for 6 total hours of Super Seminars.
Contact CEF about scheduling training for your church group.
Classes Offered:
The Final Authority (Why Evangelize Children?)
1, 2, 3, Jesus Loves Me (Helping Children Understand the Message of Salvation)
Guiding the Child to the Savior (Counseling the Unsaved Child for Salvation)
Inside—Outside (Ministering to Children through the Local Church)
Child Study
From a Child’s Perspective (Understanding Children)
Discover Your Child’s World (Age-group Characteristics)
I'm Not Too Little! (Taking the Little Kids Challenge)
Teaching God's Word
Teachers That Touch Lives (A Look at the Teacher)
Confidential—For Your Heart Only (Preparing Your Heart to Teach)
Life-changing Evangelistic Bible Lessons (Bible Lesson Preparation and Presentation)
Life-changing Growth Bible Lessons (Bible Lesson Preparation and Presentation)
Drawing in the Net (The Salvation Invitation)
Class Hour
Foundations for Life (Bible Verses—More than Memorizing)
I Will Sing a New Song (Singing—Music with a Message)
Around the Corner—Around the World (Missions—Bringing the World to Your Class)
Review Can Be Exciting! (Enhancing Learning in a Fun Way)
Managing Your Classroom (Dynamics of Discipline)
Visualize or Fossilize (Using Visual Aids Effectively)
Basic Steps to Maturity (Teaching New Christians)
Gourmet Food for the Soul (Growing through God’s Word)
Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving (Learning to Pray)
A Living Sacrifice (Consecration—My Life Set Apart for God)
One Step at a Time (Victory through Christ)
Speak Up—Speak Out (Training Children to Share Their Faith)
Where He Leads Me I Will Follow (How God Guides Children)
Developing Knowledgeable Children (Teaching Doctrine to Children)