5-Day Clubs®
What is a 5-Day Club?
A 5-Day Club is a club that meets for 5 consecutive days in the summer for children ages 5-12. It’s like a mini VBS in your backyard. The program is 1 1/2 hours long and includes a Bible lesson, songs, games, memory verse, missions time, snack, prizes, and a clear presentation of the Gospel.
Where can a 5-Day Club be held?
5-Day Clubs can meet in a park, community center, church, or your backyard. Many churches use the 5-Day Club program as part of their VBS.
How can I help?
Do you see a need to evangelize your community? Do you have a burden to reach spiritually lost boys and girls? Then you can get involved and host a 5-Day Club!
A host provides a location for the club, invites the children, and provides a daily snack.
If you would like to know more about hosting a club, contact us for more information.
Who will teach the 5-Day Club?
CEF of MA trains teens during our Christian Youth in Action (CYIA™) program how to teach a 5-Day Club. Once trained, a team of summer missionaries will come and teach the entire 5-Day Club. Our summer missionaries will bring all of the needed teaching materials, game equipment, verse tokens, and prizes. If you would like to be involved in the teaching, please let CEF know so we can provide the training you need to do it.
How soon should I schedule my club?
5-Day Clubs are held during the months of July and August. In order to have a club during your preferred week and time you should contact CEF of MA as soon as possible, starting in April, to schedule your club. Clubs are booked on a first come, first served basis.
I want the teens in my church to teach our club
If you would like the teens from your church to teach the club in your area, they should register to attend our CYIA program by the middle of May.